Who am I?
I’m a junior programmer oriented toward videogame development, more specially game engine development or game engine architecture. Born in mid-june 1995 in Marseille, France, I was given a computer at 5 years old and this gift was probably a determining point in my life. Interested a lot in videogames, I quickly got interest in how they were done instead of how to play them and got into graphical calculator programming around 2010. Years and projects later, I decided I would try making this hobby my main work and live from it.
I am interested into learning how to make stuff, analyzing how they work and reproduce them. I like learning new techniques, even by myself, and to adapt to new environments and wish I could be the most versatile so I can bounce on of every problem occuring while devleoping. For instance, I also learnt how to model 3D scenes, draw some pixel art or build websites to make progress in some of my projects.
Some links
Professional experience
Junior Engine Architect
Ubisoft Montpellier
Beyond Good and Evil 2
- Modernize BGE2's game engine.
- Modularize the engine.
- Clean the engine's initialization.
School curriculum
Master JMIN - Programmation
School Projects
Licence Informatique
AMU Université Luminy
Equivalent to a CS Bachelor.
DUT Informatique
AMU IUT Aix-en-Provence
2 year higher degree diploma in CS.
Baccalauréat S Sciences de l'Ingénieur
Here are a few images of my work. Check out my projects for more.